CBD side effects

CBD is today very popular. Everyone talk about the benefits of supplements with CBD. CBD is used, for example, in the fight against pains, sleep disorders and much more. But how is CBD and side effects?
In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a report on CBD stating that CBD is generally well tolerated.
CBD is now legal legal in most developed countries around the world thanks this report. Despite that the CBD has a promising safety profile, just like any food, medication, or supplements there is still some potencial for side-effects. In few cases CBD suplements should be avoid.
In this article we will introduce you in detail to the potential long-term and short-term side effects of CBD. We will also look at the most common causes of side effects and advise you on how you can minimize their risk. We will also tell you what you can do if side effects occur.
How side effects most often arise
Problems with the use of CBD most often arise due to its excessive use, when it‘s mixing with other medicals or supplements, or when it’s using in combination with commonly occurring medical conditions.
The most common side effects of CBD
The most common side effects are
- Low blood pressure
- Lack of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Dry in mouth
- Tiredness
Short-term side effects of CBD
As soon as the CBD begins to take effedt, short-term effects may occur. This side effects disappear together with the absorption CBD. Short-term effects include for example:
- Low blood pressure (blood pressure below 110/80)
- Dry in mouth
- Diarrhea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Lack of appetite
- Tiredness
- Rash
Long-term side effects of CBD
There are many effects of CBD on human. They work by binding or modeling various receptors in the human body. These receptors control other chemicals, cellulars and organs functions. Such interactions with receptors create the known benefits of CBD effects. But it can also create one of side effects of CBD.
Another way to cause CBD side effects is, for example, inappropriate dosing, association of CBD with other medicals or common medical complications. Let's take look at the most common aspects causing side effects and minimizing them.
1. Inhalation of smoke or vapor inhalation
Smoke inhalation itself is known to cause lung damage. Smoke inhalation causes along an increase of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide concentration in the bloodstream. This can have side effects such as cough, sore throat or nausea.
How to minimize risks: The easiest way to minimize the likelihood of side effects from inhaling smoke or fumes is to take CBD orally in the form of CBD oils, capsules, food or by external administration. There are many excellent CBD products that do not rely on smoking or vaping to transmit CBD to the body. It protects the your lungs.
2. High doses of CBD
The more CBD you use, the stronger effects will be. This applies to positive or negative effects. Simply put: more CBD = greater risk of side effects.
How to minimize risks: If you have never use CBD before, it is important to find your optimal dose. The effective dose of CBD is different for enyone. It is necessary to use the trial / error method. This is the best way to find your optimal dose of CBD. Start with a smaller dose o CBD and increase it gradually until you get the effects you want. Some people continue to increase the dose until they experience mild side effects. Then they return to the last lower dose, where they didn’t feel side effects and remain at that dose. This will determine the highest and maximum tolerated dose of CBD in your body.
3. CBD and other medicals
Whenever you are taking medication or supplements, you need to consider how the active ingredients can work in your body. Even if you take them separately, they eventually mix in the digestive tract and interact with each other in the bloodstream. CBD rarely interacts with other medicals. Nevertheless, there are a few exceptions. It may weaken or increase the effects of the medicine, which could lead to side effects.
How to minimize risks: If you have been taking medication for a long time, it is a better to talk with your doctor or pharmacist about using CBD. They will provide you with information about integration with the medicines you are using.
4. Natural health problems
Now you can already find much research on the effects of CBD on diseases such as epilepsy, cancer, multiple sclerosis and others. In exceptional cases patients may experience a deterioration in their health. Examples include Parkinson's disease, liver disease, or problems with low blood pressure.
Most chemicals that pass through the body must pass through the liver before excretion. If liver‘s function is adversely affected, CBD can accumulated in bloodstreem, which can lead to side effects.
Hypotension (low blood pressure) is one of the most underestimated medical conditions. People with low blood pressure should consider taking CBD. This cannabidiol can decrease blood pressure to a dangerous level in case of person with hypotension. In this case is heart unable to supply enough blood to the brain. This can lead to malaise, confusion, or even fainting.
5. CBD products with low-quality or contaminated CBD products
If we are discussing about side effects of CBD, it is necessary to consider its source. CBD oil can be contaminated during the growing, processing and production. These contaminants can lead to both short-term and long-term side effects. Some side effects can be quite serious. That’s the reason why people should buy CBD products only from companies that publish independent laboratory analysis of each batch they put on sale. Laboratory analysis should identify all the possible contaminants in CBD products, such as:
- Heavy metals
- Pesticides
- Organic solvents (propane, butane, hexane and others)
- Psychoactive cannabinois (THC, THCV)
- Microbial contaminants (bacteria, fungus and others)
How to minimize risks: Always buy CBD products from a reputable producer.
Synthetic cannabinoids - The occurrence of contaminated CBD products is not unusual. Therefore is essential to check on the supplier before you place your order. Contaminants can lead to side effects such as:
- Headache
- Allergic reaction
- Rashes
- Blackouts
- Nausea and vomiting
Some low-quality CBD oils may also contain a psychoactive cannabinoid THC.
How to minimize risks: As like previous point, always buy CBD products from a reputable producer.
6. Allergic reaction
Some side effects are the result of allergies. This can be caused by allergies to CBD itself, other cannabinoids, or additives such as oils, synthetic aromatic compounds, or vaping fluids. This can lead to side effects such as skin rashes, swelling of the throat or other parts of the body, closure of the airway, tachycardia, increase in blood pressure or loss of consciousness. Allergic reactions are usually caused by an allergy to one of the chemical ingredients in the product rather than an allergy to the CBD itself.
How to minimize risks: It is impossible to prevent or predict allergic reaction if you don‘t know about your allergy to a given substance. It is good to always test the product in small quantities before using first dose. It is recommended to apply a small amount on the skin / under the tongue (depending on the product and how it is used), wait 30-60 minutes for itching or swelling. Product should be safe for you if you do not experience any problems.
What to do if side effects come
1. Dry in mouth
The best way to eliminate this side effect is to drink something fruity, such as orange or pineapple juice, take glass of water or chew gum. If you are hydrated before using CBD, the likelihood of this side effect is greatly reduced.
2. Dizziness
This side effect is quite common and usually doesn‘t mean anything. However, dizziness can also warn of low blood pressure. In this case is better if you can sit or lie down to rest for a moment. This will allow the blood to flow to the brain easily.
3. Diarrhea
It is usually difficult to stop this side effect. You can take some medication. But it is likely that the side effect itself will sooner disappear. It is good to take CBD with food to prevent this side effect. This minimizes the possibility of diarrhea. It is advisable to consult your doctor If diarrhea persists with the next dose of CBD.
4. Tiredness
CBD is very often used by people who have a problem with sleep. But not everyone like this sedative effects. It is good to use CBD with caffeine to avoid this side effect. Caffeine suppresses its sedative effects.
5. Lack of appetite
CBD can reduce appetite. Although it is usually not a serious problem, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies, weakness, irritability, and weight loss. Taking CBD with food helps to counteract this side effect.
Who should avoid using CBD
There are groups of people who are clearly not advised to use CBD.
1. Women trying to get pregnant
CBD and other cannabinoids are not tested for fetal development. Many theories even suggest that CBD may have a negative effect on brain development. Therefore it is good to avoid CBD-containing products if you are trying to become pregnant.
2. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers
As in the previous point, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should avoid CBD-containing products. CBD is a fat-soluble substance and breast milk it can be distributed to the baby through. This may affect the development of the nervous system in infants.
3. People with liver function disorders
CBD is metabolized in the liver along with almost all other drugs and supplements. Metabolism of CBD and other substances is difficult if you hve livers problems. This keeps a high dose of CBD in the liver. Therefore it’s better to talk to your doctor about using CBD if you have liver disease.
4 People using certain medicine
CBD can increase the effectiveness of medications - this leads to an increase in CBD or strong side effects on medications
CBD can change the effects of using medicine - making medicines ineffective in helping to solve the problém
CBD can prevent the medicine from breaking down and then being eliminated from the system - this can cause medicine to build up in the bloodstream and reach dangerous levels.
Some medicine integrate more with CBD - this is especially dangerous when using antipsychotics, blood thinners, painkillers, blood pressure medicine
Always talk to your doctor about taking CBD if you are using prescription medications.
5. People suffering from low pressure
CBD can cause a drop in blood pressure as already mentioned. Therefore you should avoid taking CBD so that your problem does not get worse if you suffer from hypotension. If you still want to try CBD products, consult using with your doctor before.
CBD Summary
CBD has been shown to be safe and effective in clinical trials. Like any active substance it can cause side effects. This side effects arevery small in most cases. You can avoid most side effects by following the advice above. It is always wise to start with a lower dose of CBD (about 2 mg) and gradually increase the dose until you feel beneficial. This is the only way to find out if CBD is right for you and how your body responds to CBD. Talk to your doctor about using CBD if you are not sure if it‘s right for you.
External links to independent studies
An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol: A Review of Clinical Data and Relevant Animal Studies (published June 1, 2017)
The results of the study in this review confirm the conclusion of the original 2011 research (Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol, and Cannabis sativa Constituent). This studies confirmed the safety and efficacy of CBD as a therapeutic supplement for most patients. It further states that the most common side effects are: fatigue, diarrhea, lack of appetite, weight change. Researchers note that CBD is much more tolerable than other drugs produced for this purpose.
Effect of Cannabidiol on Drop Seizures in the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (published May 17, 2017)
This randomized clinical trial examined the effects of CBD in the treatment of epilepsy (Dravet's syndrome) for 14 weeks. 225 patients aged 2 to 55 years with diagnosed DS were divided into three treatment groups - 10 mg CBD / kg (73 patients), 20 mg CBD / kg (76 patients) and placebo-controlled group (76 patients). Most patients tolerated CBD well (tolerability rate 94%). Some patients have experienced problems (such as an indication of changes in liver function) where these side effects have subsided with the discontinuation of CBD.
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